Thursday, November 11, 2010

Catchin Up

Hi Everyone,

Sorry it's been so long.  I never would have guessed that getting phone and Internet service at my house would be such an ordeal.  I've been trying to get service for awhile, but the companies say there are no ports.  Apparently there are only so many ports per village and if two people move out and three move in, that third person is out of luck, which is apparently me.  My landlord was kind enough to make his Internet connection wireless and now I can piggy back on his service.  It's extremely, extremely slow though because it has a hard time getting through the thick walls.  Their router is in a window and so is mine but it's still tough.

So anyway, let me try to catch up.  I've moved into my new place as of the the end of October.  Here are some pics.  The first one is the river that runs right along the property.  The landlord channel part of the river to an electricity generator and provides the electricity for the village and surrounding villages.  Kind of cool.  My lanlord, it turns out, is on the village's council.  The second pic is my place, no that's not my car.  The car is in front of the main door, my garage is to the right of it.  You go up the stairs and the apartment is all upstairs, three bedrooms.  It butts up against a hill, so out the back door of the apartment is a small fenced in yard.  Perfect for Blitz.  The last pic is the view of my place from the top of the driveway.  I have other pics that I took from the hill above the village, I'll post those later, it took forever just to upload these three pics.

Just before I moved in, I took a tour arranged by the base tour office (ITT) to Cologne.  I'll post about that next with some pics.

Talk to you soon.
Tschuss (Goodbye - pronounced choos)

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